Sell Your Property

Our Proven, Differentiated Approach

At Dogwood Realty, we understand that selling your home is a significant event in your life. You need to get top dollar and are probably excited to move on to your next property. Our unique, comprehensive marketing strategy ensures your property stands out in a competitive market, attracting the right buyers quickly and efficiently. Here’s how we make it happen.


Competitive Analysis

It all starts with a deep-dive into your market to understand the comparables – both active competition and recent sales. This information is used to make important recommendations about pricing, timing, and any modifications needed for your property to be market-ready. Our agents will walk you through all the details about the process to sell your home – from paperwork and commissions to inspections and closing. All of your questions will be addressed.

Communication and Negotiation

Our team has great communication skills and years of experience with contract negotiation and closing transactions. One of the most important factors that a REALTOR® plays in selling your home is keeping the parties together through negotiation and closing and our agents know how to get the job done.

Professional Settlement Team

If you choose, our settlement team partners at Blue Ridge Settlement can assist you in facilitating a smooth closing. They provide ample communication throughout the process. No title or settlement issue is too complicated. 

Unique Properties

Sometimes the tactics we use for most homes needs to be supplemented with more specialized marketing for unique properties. Wineries, farms, commercial, and vacation properties are examples of this. We have experience reaching niche groups of buyers and do the research to find the latest publications and websites to get your property sold.


Professional Staging and Decluttering

First impressions matter. Our team can facilitate expert stagers who can transform your home to highlight its best features, making it inviting and attractive to potential buyers. We can also facilitate professional decluttering services to ensure your space feels open and welcoming, allowing buyers to envision themselves living there. Not every home needs these services, but our agents will recommend them if they feel that it could help get you top dollar.

Stunning Photography and Drone Shots

High-quality visuals are crucial in today’s real estate market. We provide professional photography services, including breathtaking drone shots, to capture your home’s exterior and surroundings from unique angles. Our stunning images showcase your property in its best light, attracting more interested buyers.


Promotional Materials

We create professional, eye-catching marketing materials and property brochures that highlight the unique features of your home. These materials are designed to leave a lasting impression and provide potential buyers with all the details they need to make an informed decision.

Social Media

Our in-house social media expert leverages the power of platforms like Facebook and Instagram to promote your listing. We create engaging content and use targeted advertising to reach a wider audience, ensuring your property gains maximum exposure.

Email Campaigns

Our targeted email campaigns reach potential buyers directly, providing them with all the information they need about your property. We utilize our extensive database to ensure your listing is seen by individuals who are actively looking for a home like yours.

User-Friendly Website

Our state-of-the-art website offers an interactive, user-friendly experience for potential buyers. It features detailed listing search capabilities, high-quality images, and easy navigation, making it simple for buyers to find and fall in love with your home.

Open Houses

The old is forever new. Open houses can be a useful tool for exposing your home to the market – especially in very active markets or when inventory is low. We advertise your open house in the MLS, print publications, online, and via email to our fellow real estate professionals in the area.

Event Marketing

We support our community and our clients by advertising at many UVA sporting events. This marketing reaches thousands of attendees at football, basketball, lacrosse, baseball, and soccer games. We also market your property to live music fans at the Pro Re Nata music venue, which draws over 3,000 fans each week. This unique exposure helps your listing reach a broader, more varied audience, increasing the chances of finding the perfect buyer.